Today’s Scarborough interview.
The BEST part is at the very end – Scarborough AGREES with Paul on spending issues – even saying “Amen, brother” to Paul (and goes on for a minute about his agreement with Paul!) and THEN knocked me off my chair by saying,
“Alright, Ron Paul, let me tell you something. You’ve got one voter in Florida who’s never voted before: my nineteen-year-old son. His name is Joey Scarborough, a member of the Ron Paul Revolution!
Thanks so much for being with us Ron. We really do appreciate it.”
Never would have guessed this in a million years.
The interview was thorough and Ron Paul was allowed a significant amount of time for each answer.
Paul was asked questions about foreign policy, war, taxes and government spending, raising money, grassroots support, and winning over undecided voters.
The Tucker “endorsement” was also mentioned in the interview.
I also noticed that, for once, the headline/ticker underneath the interview was positive. It referred to Paul’s fund raising records vs. the often seen half-truths painted in a bad light.
(This is also posted on the DailyPaul forums)