Abandon the Chicken and Play in the Snow!

In our recent snow, I abandoned dinner responsibility (ok, I threw some chicken in the oven but didn’t create the all-out-delicious meal I had planned) and PLAYED IN THE SNOW.

We built seven snowmen, one for each member of our family

This occurred while the babies napped – it would have been difficult otherwise.

I just want to encourage all moms to take time to play with your kids.

They’re not going to remember if you had white wine sauce with five different herbs on their chicken vs. just butter and salt in five years, but they are going to remember the late afternoon when mommy put on her snow pants and they built seven snowmen together.

I think I had just as much fun as they did!

MY thought is this: No amount of microdermabrasion is going to keep your heart feeling young.

Abandoning the Chicken to Play in the Snow

(Tabitha (left) age five, Thomas (at top) age 6, Aiden (right) age 4 and ME (center) – having a blast and eternally thankful for the gift of children after being told I’d never have any. Looking forward to when Micah and Leah can appreciate the snow!)