This past week, I commented on What I Want, a post at There Is No Wealth But Life about expectations and parenting. The post began, “When I say that I do not want to be a stay at home mother, it is because I want something else…” and it drew me in.
At the end of her post, Rae (Twitter @nowealthbutlife ) asked, “What do you want? If you are already a parent, how has reality changed your plans and dreams?”
Rae asked if she may use the comment as a guest post.
I said yes.
An excerpt:
I found out I was pregnant in the midst of big deadlines at work at the bank. I didn’t even tell my husband I had bought the test. Why should I? It would be negative anyway.
I took it after work, still wearing my snappy navy dress suit and classic leather heels.
My expensive woolen executive armor didn’t shield me from the truth in the urine.
You can find the rest of the guest post as well as Rae’s thought-provoking blog here.
How would you have answered Rae’s question?
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and allowing me to turn it into a guest post! I really appreciate your thoughts and style.
Thanks for the thought-provoking post ;)
Much love,
sarah, i hopped on over to read the post and LOVED IT. i bawled my eyes out when i found out i was pregnant with our first, less than two months after we got married. my husband smiled, and i said, “you’re only smiling because your life isn’t going to change as much as mine will!!” — i totally freaked out. (i’m a realist — my hubby says ‘pessimist’ — so there wasn’t a whole lot of romance to that first pregnancy!) and i agree that becoming a mother was the best thing that ever happened to me. so glad that God gave you five! we are on our way with two so far ;)
.-= jamie´s last blog ..intoxicating free time. =-.