MTV’s Closing Arguments Dialogue was fascinating to watch.
It was BETTER organized that any of the debates geared to an adult audience.
I loved how the audience was encouraged to interact on many different levels. The questions were both relevant and intelligent. Most importantly, they were asked by young voters – not journalists trying to posture the media’s favorites.
Throughout the Dialogue, the candidates were never rudely cut off, and had time to answer questions and for the audience. The format was relaxed and did not have a breathless, race-against-the-clock, sound-bite feel. This gave viewers the opportunity to get a feel for the candidates’ personalities.
The Dialogue is worth the time to view no matter how you plan to vote, and I hope thousands of people of all ages will watch it while it’s still available online.
Thank you, MTV, for giving equal air time to all of the candidates. Who needs Fox News!! This was a best representation of “fair and balanced” I’ve seen in a long time. Bravo, MTV!
Of course… I have to say that of all of the candidates, my favorite was Ron Paul. His political experience, intelligence, understanding of policies, and lack of BS makes him an excellent choice for President.
In addition to getting positive feedback online throughout the debate, there were a bazillion sign waiving Ron Paul supporters on the ground in front of the studio. It was inspiring to watch!
So what do we do in the next few days?
1. Get connected. Go to Ron Paul’s website and learn more.
2. Donate! Ron Paul needs donations! These donations pay for advertising, forums, travel for Ron Paul, etc. The cool thing is that it doesn’t matter if the donation is just $10! Because he is so fiscally responsible, even small donations are not wasted.
3. Become a precinct leader. You don’t have to have gray hair in order help out in this way! There is still time before Super Tuesday. As a precinct leader, you are given (online) the names and addresses of registered voters in the few blocks surrounding your house. There are even phone scripts with little check boxes for marking down voter responses, if you choose to go that route. The way the Ron Paul campaign has it set up makes it very easy for anyone to help.
4. Meet-up! Join a Ron Paul Meet-up group in your area. Meet people just like you who are having fun and making a difference by sharing the message of freedom with others. Meet-up groups help you be connected with the grassroots efforts already going on in your community.
Thanks again, MTV!
Go Ron Paul!!
Here are some clips — check out the periodic footage of the audience of Ron Paul sign waivers outside!!!