The Poverty of the Prosperity Gospel

The false teaching of the “prosperity gospel” is something we see a lot here in the city of Coatesville.

People here are very poor, but drive, as Piper even mentions here, BMWs to church. They cannot pay their bills, but they have DishTV for every room in the house. They believe that personal wealth and pain-free, hardship-free living is proof that God loves them.

Church attendance becomes a game of oneupmanship.

When the focus is on keeping up appearances and the lifestyle and not on Christ, there is no spiritual growth. There is only pride and the sense that we can provide our own salvation.

Pain and financial hardship are suppressed – because to be open and honest would tell others that God must not love them – instead of turned over to the Great Physician who also happens to own all the gold in the world.

Piper puts it clearly: It is idol worship. It is worshiping the gift instead of the Giver.
Continue reading “The Poverty of the Prosperity Gospel”

The GROSSEST Thing I’ve Ever Seen. Ever.

It involves a person taking care of an infected insect bite.

You know, I’m not squeamish. I often imagine myself as being an ER doctor in a parallel universe.

Let’s just say, I ended up pulling my I <3 My Geek shirt over my eyes and watched part of it through the black fabric.

Click at your own risk. No, I’m not putting the video up on my site.

Oh yeah – and first put down any food you might be eating.

I’d say something poignant about God here, but I really can’t think of anything.
Honestly, I want to ask Him someday, “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!”

Note the Stewardship tag. This is because if you have something like this on your face, GO TO YOUR DOCTOR WHILE IT’S SMALL BEFORE IT TURNS INTO THIS!!

What DO you do all day? Taking it easy…

I stole this just-for-laughs story posted below from Moms of Grace. I tried to find the original source but, alas, it’s unattributed and is posted at various websites for moms all over the Internet.

Yesterday, Tom came home to find me with my feet up – just as I should have been. Reading this story today reminded me of how I felt, reading on the couch, as I watched disasters happening all around. Tom certainly did NOT ask what I did all day!

At lunch time, each of my children “helped” by getting out their “own” butter-knives – two each, one for peanut butter and one for jam – and made their own sandwiches. “I made this all by myself!” each child said proudly.

Late at night, before we went to bed, we were ritualistically locking up the house together. When we were locking up the kitchen door and windows, Tom asked, “What’s the deal with all the butter knives in the sink?” :D

Oh the stories mommies could tell…
Continue reading “What DO you do all day? Taking it easy…”

My Early Miscarriage

On Saturday night, I had a positive pregnancy test.

It was faint, so I took another one first thing Sunday morning – also positive.

On Monday night, I had really painful cramping.

Tuesday morning, I started bleeding.

My doctor’s nurse arranged for blood work to be done Tuesday afternoon. I got the results this morning.

Here is a copy of an email I sent this morning to the people who knew:

Dear Friends and Family,

The results from yesterday’s blood work came back this morning. The pregnancy hormone was at “2” and the nurse gently said, “I’m really sorry – you’re no longer pregnant.”

The antibodies screen came back normal – no worries.

Pregnancy hormones increase each day of the pregnancy. If the number was 5 or higher, then they would have kept testing to see if there was a baby still there. So, in a way, I’m relieved that we don’t have to keep holding on to hope and wondering.

The nurse said I should be alright because it was so early, but gave me things to look for to know if I needed to go to the ER.

I feel more worn out from sadness than anything else.

Tom and I gathered the kids around this morning and told them the news. They were sad, but took it well.

We are very thankful for the five children that we do have and for this little flicker of life that has taught us so much.

Thanks for all of your prayers, your stories and your sweet notes and calls filled with encouragement. No one could ask for a better circle of friends and family. I am very thankful that we did not have to go through this alone. You mean a lot to us! Praise God.

Much love,
In Christ,
Sarah Joy Albrecht

Help for Abusive Parents (RE: Murderous Thoughts)

I just wanted to add to my previous post that I know that there are moms and dads out there who have lost control of their temper, who may have even hurt their children, and who are looking for help to break free from this vicious cycle.

A parent (yes, even a Christian parent!) might have had right intentions at first by thinking, “I’m doing the right thing by disciplining my child!” and then they may have gotten too carried away and lost control while disciplining – resulting in child abuse.

If you’re reading this, I want you to know that by God’s grace, you can be forgiven and you can change.

I am not a counselor, and I’ve never had experience in working with anyone dealing with child abuse before – but here is an example of one way you might pray about this:

“Dear God, I know that you gave this child and I know that you want me to raise him/her in way that honors you. Please forgive me for losing control and abusing my child. I admit this to you, knowing that you saw me the whole time and that I have nothing to hide from you. Forgive me for hurting my child, emotionally and physically.

Please give me courage to apologize to my child. Please give me wisdom as I seek help – that the guidance I receive would not just be pop-psychology, but rather rooted in God’s Word. Lord, help me to be humble. Soften my heart so that I can receive wisdom and apply it to my life – instead of making excuses for my behavior.

Please help me to change. Please work in my heart and teach me to love my child in a way that brings honor and glory to you. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross and paying for my sin of abusing my child. Please help me to rest in knowing that my sin has been paid for and that I am free to change my heart and my behavior – because I am a new creature in Christ – and that I do not have to be a slave to this sin any longer.

I pray for my child, Lord, that you will comfort them and remove this hurt that I have caused them. Help them to be able to forgive me. Help our relationship to be restored. I know that forgiveness and restoration may not happen immediately, and I trust the timing for this is in Your hands.

Lord, I admit that I am afraid of what might happen if I seek help. But Lord, I am turning the consequences over to you and I submit to you and TRUST you with my life, knowing that you love me and that it is for my good and your glory.

In Jesus Name, Amen.”

If you have prayed this prayer , please email me – okay? I want to support you by praying for you, too. If you do not know where to get help, I will do my best to help you find a Christian counselor in your area who can meet with you, offer you hope, and hold you accountable.

I might just post some more thoughts on this topic in the future… kinda mulling them over, and seeking wisdom before I blog.

Even as I look for resources for parents who have abused their children, I am not readily finding helpful ones with a Google search. It grieves me that there aren’t more resources that offer guidance beyond the ambiguous “get help.” I realize that it’s an uncomfortable topic. I can recommend calling Place of Refuge as a start. I have heard the founder, Diane Langberg, speak many times on the topic of abuse. She is the author of On The Threshold of Hope and Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse .

One resource for an example of parenting advice that is rooted in God’s Word, that I recommend to ALL parents, is Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Fill your mind with Godly parenting advice – so that you can prevent anger-blow ups before they even start by learning how to handle parenting / discipline situations in the RIGHT way. Please do this NOW before the next blow-up – don’t wait until you go too far again.

How We Percieve God

I had a longer post written and then silly me – I walked away from the computer to change a diaper! Then someone closed “mommy’s side” (my login) and all was lost…

In the Excellent Wife, Chapter Two addresses how our perception of God changes the way that we relate to him. I wanted to dig a little deeper and make this more personal so we can really apply this foundational chapter to our lives.

I came across this very interesting Time Magazine poll and article. Even this secular magazine notes that the way we see God has an affect on how we view politics.

Here’s the poll: “How We View God”

And the related article “Behind America’s Different Perceptions of God”

The categories from the poll are : Authoritarian God, Benevolent God, Critical God, Distant God

My question to my pals – how do YOU view God?

Think about a recent crisis. How did you respond?
Continue reading “How We Percieve God”