She ain’t got no money
Her clothes are kinda funny
Her hair is kinda wild and free
Oh, but Love grows where my Rosemary goes
And nobody knows her like me. – Edison Lighthouse
Tonight, I harvested the sage remaining in the garden.
My kitchen smells so earthy-sweet!
Tabitha helped me to wash the leaves, puree them, and freeze them in little spoonfuls for future use. Dried, bottled, store-bought herbs simply don’t compare!
I still remember when I planted my herb garden in 2006, the summer just before my Leah was born in September. I was so big and pregnant, I could hardly bend down to plant.
Below is picture of Micah, a little over a year old, “helping”.
The perennial sage and mint we planted are still grow strong, even after being unattended while we were in Japan :)
And… yes, of course, I believe that children should know where their food comes from and participate in each step of the process — from planting to the table.