Recipe: Sarah’s Shrimp, Baby Clam and Kielbasa Jambalaya

This is my personal jambalaya recipe. Leftovers are fantastic because the flavors meld together soooo well. Be sure to post your favorite jambalaya story in the comments! Enjoy!

If it’s cooked correctly, you can cook the whole thing in one pot – a large Dutch Oven with a lid.

(Grouped into bowls by order of use to make adding the ingredients easier as you cook.)

BOWL 1 – Seafood + Kielbasa:
2 lbs medium raw shrimp (Save the peels to make broth)
1 – 10 oz can Bumblebee Fancy Whole Baby Clams (they are fully cooked)
1 pkg. Kielbasa Sausage – cut longways and then sliced into bite sized pieces.

BOWL 2 – Veggies:
1 large chopped onion
1 green bell pepper chopped
1/2 c. chopped celery
1 heaping tsp. minced garlic

BOWL 3 – Spices:
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
2 tsp. salt
1 bay leaf
1/3 tsp. dried thyme

BOWL 4 – Tomatoes & Broth:
Shrimp Broth (Set aside)
3 – 10 oz cans stewed tomatoes chopped

Misc. Ingredients (added individually):

3 c. Basmati or other long-grain rice, uncooked.

2 tbsp. minced fresh parsley

Tabasco Sauce

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A Ringing Phone Has To Be Answered

… but not necessarily by me!

Recently, I noticed that my phone was ringing off the hook. I don’t mind when people call, and I often will spend time praying with them and encouraging them in the Lord.

The problem was, that while I was able to do my housework while talking on the phone, my children were wandering around looking for my direction.

For example, I’d be doing dishes or preparing dinner, and then suddenly my two year old would be out in the alley attempting to “ride bike” with the big kids. Or, I’d suddenly have diaper emergencies because I wouldn’t notice the littler ones hiding in the corner.

My solution : Let the voice mail answer the phone.

I know it sounds like a simple solution, but it is not easy to let the phone ring!

This is our current voice mail message – my friendly way of saying “I’m screening my calls!” without actually saying the words:

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Mushy Mushy

(Not to be confused with a Japanese telephone greeting)

Today I received the sweetest mushy email from my Tom!

It’s a good thing he wasn’t here, because I would have attacked him with kisses and hugs.

My five year old read it over my shoulder and gave me a big hug. “Isn’t Dad nice?” she said.

Although it made MY toes warm, it’s tame enough to share.

So I am.

Because I love him.

Thank you for packing my lunch.

Thank you for helping me find my cigar cutter.

Thank you for washing the dishes.

Thank you for making dinner every night.

Thank you for getting me a towel.

Thank you for having clean clothes for me.

Thank you for finding my contact lenses.

I love you, Sarah…

Christmas Conflict in July

(This post was started in July… so, I’m keeping the original title post :D )

Hard to believe that Summer ’07 is almost over!

Tom and I are already thinking about our Christmas Eve dinner menu and putting money aside for our family feast.

If there are difficult family situations or past unresolved hurts, it’s very easy for people to dread family gatherings. There’s an expectation that the family holiday events will be as pretty as the cards we get during that time of year.

A friend of mine said:

It’s six months away, and I’m thinking about Christmas already. I’m not worried about shopping, not worried about cooking, not worried about decorating, BUT I am worried about family peace at the holiday.

I’m smiling because I can relate to what you’re talking about here!

Here are some things to consider as you look ahead to the winter holidays:
Continue reading “Christmas Conflict in July”