Where have I been?

Yeah, yeah. I haven’t written in a few weeks. But, who wants to hear about kids throwing up? In the car? In McDonald’s cups? On bedroom rugs? On sheets? NOT ME. So I’ll spare you the smelly details.

That was last week. This week, we have Peacemaker Clubs VBS at our house. More on this later – and yes, I’d highly recommend this curriculum!!

“Mark’s Here” – From My Dad’s Blog

This is an entry from my dad’s MySpace blog:

There are a few things in life that I’ve often have pondered and the mystery of it all is more than the human mind can fully comprehend. One of these mysteries is the death of a loved one.

May 31st 2007 this mystery unraveled unexpectedly as it came knocking on my door when we were told in the hospital waiting room that my Dad of 82 , who had been in surgery for 11 hours for heart surgery was having difficulties breathing on his own. We were told that the oxygen wasn’t getting through to his blood even though the heart surgery was more or less successful. Furthermore we were told that we should prepare ourselves for the worst. My heart sank but then I reached out to God who I knew held the keys to life and death. As I prayed I asked for His will to be done in my Dads life I knew that it would be best if I left it in his hands. My Mom lowered her head into her hands as she sat in her wheel chair and quietly sobbed as we prayed with her and reassured her that he wasn’t gone yet and not to give up. The minister prayed with her as well and tried to be of comfort. Who ever had cell phones placed calls to various individuals and support groups as we waited. The moments quickly progressed and then we were told by the doctor that we should go see him for the last time while he was still alive.
Continue reading ““Mark’s Here” – From My Dad’s Blog”

Grandpa Phenicie

My Grandpa, James Phenicie, passed away last night. He was 84.
He had a number of heart attacks last week, and then had an 11 hour, quadruple bypass surgery yesterday (on my 27th birthday).
Although his heart was functioning again, his lungs refused to work – probably due to damaged caused by fluid in the lungs during congestive heart failure, and his blood could not be properly oxygenated. He never woke up after surgery.

He was adopted as a teenager.
He served in WWII.
He met my Grandma at Moody Bible Institute.
He became a pastor.
He was a woodworker.
He was humble, gentle and soft-spoken.
He loved little animals – he even made a feeder for the squirrels in his yard.
He was a janitor at a high school for many years.
He prayed for each of his children, grand children, and great-grandchildren by name, each day.
He was a very godly man whose favorite topic was Christ and the Bible.

I loved him very much.
Continue reading “Grandpa Phenicie”

RSM Warning Signs, Treatment and Prevention

Ice Cream is truly a wonder-drug. And it comes in so many flavors, making it really easy to administer.

“Mommy’s Kisses” is also a highly effective drug that I often administer to my younger patients. However, the effectiveness seems pretty low once the patient is over five years of age.

It’s sad, really. These kids get so many doses of “Mommy’s Kisses” that, in just five short years, they have to move on to the harder drug to get the same results.
Continue reading “RSM Warning Signs, Treatment and Prevention”